Episode for November 4, 2021
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56 minutes Watt Lesley Black, Jr. is a Clinical Professor in Education Policy and Law. He teaches classes in the Accelerated School Leadership Program, the Urban School Leadership Program, and the K-12 and Higher Education Ed.D. programs. He accepted a full- time appointment to the SMU faculty in 2012 after a more than 20-year career as a teacher and administrator in public schools.
Dr. Black specializes in legal and policy issues in K-12 and Higher Education. He has researched and written about the First Amendment expression rights of both students and teachers, Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection analysis, affirmative action and diversity in the public schools. He has also published work in the area of principal development and school reform.
Dr. Black has presented for the Education Law Association, the American Association of School Personnel Administrators, University Council for Educational Administration, and the Texas Middle School Association. He is a certified provider of school board member training in the State of Texas. He has served on SMU’s university-wide Education Programs Council, the Simmons Academic Affairs Committee, the Simmons Committee on Assessment and Accreditation and the Simmons Diversity Committee.
Dr. Black earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of North Texas in 2002. He teaches courses in the Accelerated School Leadership program, the Urban School Leadership Program and in the Ed.D. programs for both K-12 and Higher Education. He is the married father of two children and an avid runner and guitar enthusiast.
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