Episode for August 11, 2021
Stand Up is a daily podcast. I book,host,edit, post and promote new episodes with brilliant guests every week day.
Please subscribe now for as little as 5$ and gain access to a community of almost 800 awesome, curious, kind, funny, brilliant, generous soul. sign up now and join us every Thursday night for a virtual happy hour. Now on to today’s show notes
This week is Stand Up with Pete Dominick LITE.
I am on vacation with my family this week for the first time since the Summer of 2019 but I will be still be posting new content every day. Joining me today…
Kimberly Kelly is a long time listener and supporter of
Stand Up. We have talked a few times over the past 2 years and I was honored to win her trust to the point she felt comfortable talking with me both on and off the record about her life, work and struggle with her weight over her life. She called me and told me that she has lost over 100 lbs 3 times before in her life but that she wasn’t sure she could do it again at 57. But she wants to try and she wants to share her story while she does. I was really honored to have her tell her story and talk openly about her struggle and I hope it can inform, educate and inspire you to either have a better understanding of those who share her struggle or inform you on your own. If you want to contact Kimberly just email me and I will be sure she gets your correspondence.
If you think sharing your story would be helpful to your or others then let me know and we can chat
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