Episode for November 14, 2022

Episode 720 News from the Weekend – Maura Quint and Michael Cohen on the Mid Terms and More

Hey Gang! 

Thank you for reading these words that my fingers are typing at 6am. Sorry the pod didnt get posted lastnight but I was really tired from the weekend and I decided to go to bed at 8pm and wake at 3:30. Do you ever do that? Well it was worth the wait because I have a good opening and 2 awesome guests who both are super smart people that help me make sense of things. 

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Maura Quint  is a humor writer and activist whose work has been featured in publications such as McSweeneys and The New Yorker. She was named one of Rolling Stone’s top 25 funniest twitter accounts of 2016. When not writing comedy, Maura has worked extensively with non-profits in diverse sectors including political action campaigns, international arts collectives and health and human services organizations. She has never been officially paid to protest but did once find fifteen cents on the ground at an immigrants’ rights rally and wanted to make sure that had been disclosed. She was the co founder and executive director of TaxMarch.org 

She is now the Wealth Tax Campaign Director at the Americans for Tax Fairness

Michael A. Cohen is a regular contributor for The Boston Globe on national politics and foreign affairs. He is also the author of “American Maelstrom: The 1968 Election and the Politics of Division.” Michael has written for dozens of news outlets, including as a columnist for the Guardian and Foreign Policy and he is the US Political Correspondent for the London Observer. He previously worked as a speechwriter at the US State Department and has been a lecturer at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

Please check out and hopefully subscribe to Michael’s Substack newsletter Truth and Consequences!  Stand Up subscribers get a discount on Michael’s new newsletter!  

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