Episode for January 17, 2022

“Maura Monday’s” with Maura Quint and Professor Jeff Jarvis Episode 521

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At 33 minutes in I welcome the great Maura Quint. Maura is a humor writer and activist whose work has been featured in publications such as McSweeneys and The New Yorker. She was named one of Rolling Stone’s top 25 funniest twitter accounts of 2016. When not writing comedy, Maura has worked extensively with non-profits in diverse sectors including political action campaigns, international arts collectives and health and human services organizations. She has never been officially paid to protest but did once find fifteen cents on the ground at an immigrants’ rights rally and wanted to make sure that had been disclosed. She was the co founder and executive director of TaxMarch.org 

And she recently began a new gig at the Americans for Tax Fairness campaign director

1:13 Jeff Jarvis is the author of What Would Google Do?   and Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way we Work and Live. He has blogged at Buzzmachine.com about media, technology, and life’s irritations since 2001. Jarvis directs the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism. He writes occasionally for the Guardian and HuffingtonPost.
You can see and hear Jeff on “This Week In Google”

In prior lives, Jarvis was creator and founding editor of Entertainment Weekly; president and creative director of Advance.net (online arm of Advance Publications); Sunday editor and associate publisher of the New York Daily News; a columnist on the San Francisco Examiner.

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